Monokel is an independent development studio for interactive narratives. Situated in Cologne and with friends all over, we produce games that see themselves as stories stories worth telling in a world that grows in polarization, marginalization, and injustice in the distribution of wealth and power. Our shared goal is to inspire through our stories and encourage critical thinking. We try to provide thought- and heart-provoking gameplay experiences for curious players around the world. The nature of our work is strongly experimental.
Monokel sees itself as a social company. We try to emphasize and amplify the voices of every single person who works with us. We put self-organization over classical hierarchies and talent over resumes.
As of now, we are a band of mostly highly likable weirdos from all kinds of different backgrounds. Our team includes an emotional support dog (Bonny, named after a famous pirate queen) and a big rubber chicken (Mono, named after nothing in particular). Bonny likes it when you hug her. Mono screams. And of course, we are very pretty. On the inside.
game development, transmedia production, agile workflows, video games, narrative design, animations, game art, 3D art, and game design