Mighty Nice is a Sydney-based animation studio co-founded by Nexus Productions in London and Darren Price, their one-time Head of 3D. Darren carefully packed & shipped with him lots of experience gleaned from the talented crew at Nexus. His collaborations with directors Smith & Foulkes include Coke’s Video Game, the 2005 D&AD Black Pencil winner Grrr for Honda and Motorola’s Grand Classics. The same team at Nexus also created the title sequences for films such as the Thunderbirds, Lemony Snicket, and alternative titles for The Pink Panther. Mighty Nice’s first short film, Potapych: The Bear Who Loved Vodka won a BAFTA for Best Animation. Darren reckons that animation is like beer…or sunshine. With enough of it, everything starts to look good. Technically brilliant, strong in narrative, and beautiful to watch – it’s similarities to beer quickly end, but animation does add charm, wit and sophistication to any project. We love hard work, and we do love a challenge. Midnight magic and all.
Sydney, Australia
Animation and Post-production