Maneki Studio is an animation studio established in Lima, Peru 10 years ago. We specialize in all types of 2D and 3D animation. We started working for international agencies such as McCANN, BBDO, VMLY&R, Ogilvy, between others. Currently we are a “One Stop Shop”, where our clients can develop the complete process of their projects. We had the opportunity to participate in several international productions of animated series, feature films and music videos. We currently work with companies from Canada, Mexico, Spain, Germany, India, Colombia, Chile, etc. With this vast experience, the studio has been able to use and master multiple techniques and styles of animation to combine them and create new innovative solutions. You can find more information about us at:, or at Vimeo:
Lima, Peru
2D Animation., 3D Animation, Animatics., Story Boards., Online, Character Design., Post-production, Motion graphics, Digital retouching., 3D Illustration., 2D Illustration., Offline., and Character Animation.