Paris-based La Cabane is an animation production company and creative studio created in 2015 by Perrine Gauthier, together with her partners Joeri Christiaen, Frederik Segers and Emmanuel Garijo — to develop, finance and produce animated series, films and digital content. In 2020 the company was nominated for the French TV Producer of the Year Award. La Cabane is the producer of the Emmy-nominated series MUSH-MUSH & THE MUSHABLES, created by Elfriede de Rooster and directed by Joeri Christiaen. The first season of MUSH-MUSH has launched worldwide in 2021, and La Cabane is currently producing the show’s second season. La Cabane is also the happy coproducer of LUCE AND THE ROCK, the new short film of Britt Raes, which will premiere in festivals in 2022.
Paris, France
Animation, Development, Production, 3D, Directing, Music, Storytelling, Art direction, Financing, Series, Film, TV, 2D, and Visual development