Daily Madness is a 2D Animation Studio based in Dublin Ireland, Newcastle upon Tyne and Cardiff in the UK. We position ourselves as champions for underrepresented voices in the animation industry, with a particular focus on promoting women both on screen and behind the scenes. We consider ourselves to be pipeline specialists, with the ability to take on existing budgets and schedules and designing the production process in a way to maximise creativity. We provide service work, co-production opportunities and develop/produce our own IP projects. The list of our services include, but are not limited to, the following: Scriptwriting: Story Editing, Head Writing, Series Script Writing, Punch-Up Scripts, Pilot Development, Sales Bible Development, Writers Bible, Writers Rooms, Voice Record Script, As Produced Scripts. Art Direction: Concept Art, Episodic Breakdown, Key Designs, Character, Layout, Backgrounds, Props, FX, Scene Planning, Compositing. Boards and Animatics Animation: Cel Action, Toonboom, Adobe Animate. Producing Services: Budget and Scheduling services and pipeline design.
Dublin, Ireland