As the creative headquarters of Amuse Animation, Amuse Studio is responsible for producing the 2D & 3D animated content developed by our Editorial Strategy team. We are currently creating material for our original IPs plus third-party programmes. Our original content generates more than 600 million monthly views worldwide. Amuse Studio is headed by two executives that formerly belonged to one of the most renowned animation production companies in Spain. We are proud to have dozens of young, talented animators working alongside them here on the island of Gran Canaria. These smart, focused and self-motivated people have stepped into a fast-paced creative environment where their imaginations can soar. We nurture a culture of equality and constant improvement, welcoming new ideas and iterating all our concepts. A 50-50 gender balance between men and women is reflected both on staff and at the management level. We also believe that inclusion and diversity are key to staffing because a multicultural perspective and different points of view can only enrich our storytelling. We are constantly looking for new talent; if you’re interested, contact us today!
Las Palmas, Spain
Animation, 3D, 2D, Production, Financing, Creation, Digital Distribution, Merchandising, Licensing, Vídeo Online, and YouTube